An independent Service for people with Health and Social Care needs in Shropshire including Telford & Wrekin
01743 363399
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Advice and Guidance
Shropshire Taking Part works within the Advice Advocacy Welfare and Benefits, AAWB.
AAWB provides access to appropriate advice and advocacy services to meet the needs of people when they need it and to improve the policies and practices that affect people’s lives.
Telford and Wrekin Taking Part works within Well-being and Independence Partnership WIP which provides information, advice, advocacy and guidance on;-
Informal carers services, adult and children
Welfare Benefits for carers and cared for
Community care
Services to promote and support independence
Personal budgets\Paying for care
Support and coping strategies for dealing with long term health conditions
Training is provided by Taking Part either by us as an organisation or working in partnership with other organisations. We train other clients and professionals.
Shropshire Choices Support Finder
Below is the link for their e-book version. Here you can read online, download and order free copies.