An independent Service for people with Health and Social Care needs in Shropshire including Telford & Wrekin

01743 363399

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Digital Skills Programme (Funded by Shropshire Council)
​​​​Digital Skills
​Scroll down for 2025 sessions dates
Taking Part received funding from Shropshire Council to deliver our Digital Skills Programme for adults with learning disabilities living in Shropshire.
Sessions are FREE!
We have:
group/peer support/social sessions
bespoke sessions
The aim of Shropshire Council’s Digital Skills Programme supports people living in the local authority’s geographical area to become more confident online. The programme gives free equipment for those who need it most.

For more information go to here

Would you like to feel more comfortable using your phone, tablet or laptop?
Would you like to develop your skills in a friendly setting? Then you might like to join Taking Part's group digital skills sessions.
Please get in touch if you have any questions or would like to book a place.
Phone number 01743 36 33 99,
text/WhatsApp 07397 64 66 08 or email takingpart@takingpart.co.uk .
Upcoming Dates
We work with groups and we work in the community.
Tuesday 1st April 2025, 1.15pm - 2.45pm, via Zoom.​​​​​
Please get in touch if you would like support to join any of the above virtual session.
How to book a free place?
Places are limited! Please book your free place via our booking form: here. ​
Or you can email takingpart@takingpart.co.uk,
call 01743 36399 or text/WhatsApp 07397646608.
If there are no community dates above please get in touch to express your interest. You can let us know what dates would suit you, by completing this form.
We are looking for volunteers to support staff to deliver our group sessions, which will take place in a public building/health and social care providers.
Session times, dates, locations vary.
Please contact us if you are interested.
Email: takingpart@takingpart.co.uk
Phone: 01743 36 33 99
Ring/Text/WhatsApp: 07397 64 66 08